Hot Tub Chemicals

Hot tubs, just like pools, require a certain amount of regular maintenance. Similarly, hot tub chemicals must also be replaced regularly because they can be hazardous to your health. You’re going to need a lot of different chemicals to keep a spa clean, yet in a natural form.

What kind of hot tub chemicals are used?

You can find a variety of hot tub chemicals, such as sanitizers, oxidifiers, pH Lightning, and shocks, that will keep your spa clean, clear, and bacteria free, and that won’t harm your skin. At times, people choose not to use these chemicals because they believe that it diminishes the spa’s effectiveness.

There are a variety of different chemicals available. The instructions on all hot tub chemicals will tell you what you should use, and when to use them. The amount of chemicals you need will vary depending on your hot tub, and your water type. Bacteria grows rapidly during the first few hours after you consume the hot tub. A good way to keep the bacteria down is with a shock; the shock kills bacteria, making the water safer, and helping to keep your water clean.

What kinds of chemicals should you put in to your hot tub?

Here are the most common hot tub chemicals’ jobs:


Sanitizing your hot tub is an essential step. Nowadays, chlorine can be used as a sanitizer. Bromine and Ozone are also used, and can be more effective. But the main problem with chlorine is the byproducts that it produces.

You will need to have a sufficient source of clean water. This usually means either a water purifier or a flush additive. Different shock oxidizers are available; choose a shock oxidizer that will neutralize your bromine, bromine, and ozone.


Enzymes are vital to the proper functioning of your hot tub. You will need enzymes to eliminate organic matter, or “chlorine smell.” This is created by the bacteria that lives so gladly in your warm, moist, small tub. Enzymes can also trim down the use of chlorine.

A good amount of enzymes will keep down chlorine waste. In fact, if you can manage to cut back even a little on the amount of chlorine you use, you can make it safe for your skin and your body.


Infections of the hot tub can flow through your water and lead to bloodstream infections and health problems. When you are first getting sick, a bacterial infection is weakened for a day or two. Then, when the illness from the warm, humid environment returns, the toxins are released and make you tired.

If you don’t shield against bacteria, this waste build-up will make you sick but not death. There are chemicals available that kill the bacteria without changing the water. If there is a biguanide lingering in the water (one that must be used according to the manufacturer’s instructions), boil the water – but not by hot water heat or boiling hot water. This is far too risky a practice for a hot tub.

As of late, there are very safe sanitizers that appear to be a satisfactory system for relaxing in the tub.


This must be used every four to six hours at most. The water temperature should be kept slightly above 104 degrees Fahrenheit. This bromine does not mix readily with man-made disinfectants. However, bromine works for the bacteria that doesn’t present organic matter, so it’s a good choice to use bromine if the stains are covered with skin.


Ozone has a respiratory effect similar to bromine, but not as strong. It is used every six to eight hours, once per day. Fan speed can be adjusted. Ozone can be synthesized by any bromine product. Just be sure to vent your hot tub during the curing time. They should be taken out several hours before you use the hot tub. Ozone can sometimes be taken out by using bleach and water, but then it will just be wasted.


Biguanide is very similar to ozone, but cheaper. The biguanide also has a respiratory effect just like bromine, but is very weak. Used in conjunction with chlorine from a colonial aquitzer, it is very effective. This bromine is effective when you add the right amount over time. This might be even stronger than ozone, so it can be a bit gentler.

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How to Clean Your Pool

Within this article, you will read about important basic maintenance topics and answer questions about how to clean your pool. This article is divided into four main topics.

How to clean your swimming pool

Part I: Pool Maintenance Basics

One of the ultimate pool maintenance items is to maintain your pool’s water chemistry so that it is in close-to-neutral pH ranges, and the water stays so for as long as possible’ every day either through use or through proper washings.

Any pool cleaner/sanitizer will do the trick, even if it’s just Step-Up or chlorine and baking soda. Make sure your pool’s water looks good, smells good, is odor-free, and looks and performs like new. Your pool’s water chemistry is your pool’s Olympic Games.

Part 2: Pool Chemicals

Pools need to be provided with an adequate, consistent water environment so they work properly and equalize the water chemistry throughout the pool itself. This in turn keeps most of the chlorine and other footprint-inducing chemicals out of the water.

Chlorine is the most common chemical found in swimming pools, giving it the nickname “the cleaner.” Even though it is famous for killing mosquito larvae, its thirst-quenching properties make it a purposeful competitive swimmer as well.

Sunlight, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide all convey to the water chemistry enough information (via light/temperature/something in that specific garden) to compensate for the various chemical changes as the day changes from summer into winter, from spring to autumn, or from fall to winter.

The same is true of the water in swimming pool water chemistry just as the same is true for all other body parts’ your lungs, your teeth, and your skin. This swimming chemistry is everything.

Another fun way to test the information reflected in the water chemistry of a swimming pool would be to imitate sunlight or the sun. If your pool sits directly under heavy cloud cover, supplemental, filtered, or ultraviolet sunshine may provide some relief. If your pool sits directly in sunlight, practice adding pheromone pellets to help the water’s negative allergen “innate” into the pool water chemistry.

Part 3: Basics of Water Management

While it is important to understand how pool chemistry is affected by all of the additional things in the water’ from sixth- etc. strength chlorine’ to exotic chemicals’ even pools need a basic understanding on the formation of a pool.

After this basic summary, many pool events, lessons, and guides include a more in-depth section on the chemistry of the water. The chemistry of pool water is also discussed briefly at the end of this article.

When on a trip or in need of a pool maintenance inquiry for your pool, use this online pool primary chemist calculator. The pool chemist calculator provides a very quick, and free, way to determine the chemical content of a pool or spa water tank.

I recommend an outdoor pool chemist test kit for every pool. This tests your out of the norm pool water chemistry.

This is a basic lab test package for the indoor swimming pool. You will use it to determine when a water change is necessary. It provides the carbon dioxide and nitrogen results and tells you when water is healthy and when it is unhealthy.

This one is a great place to properly examine the water condition of a swimming pool/spa. It combines a report on the pool environment, a pH test, and a light/color test.

Part 4: Pool Filters

Companies that sell carbon filtered water for pools have liability insurance where the pool manufacturer will cover mop-up operations if you had to remove all the debris in the pool because of a wet or dirty area.

You can purchase this pool cleaning package at all of the markets where Sinclair Electronics sells indoor swimming pools.

Also find out more about:

10 best pool vacuums to buy today

How to get rid of pool algae

How to clean your pool

Chemicals for your hot tub

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Exterior Home Maintenance

Any homeowner who is interested in improving their home’s exterior in any way should keep an eye out for the following simple preventative maintenance tips to ensure all items of internal decoration are functioning correctly.

This will ensure any unwanted water and moisture, as well as mold, is kept at bay, ensuring the exterior maintenance of not only your home but the lives of those living inside your home.

Exterior Home Maintenance

Tools–This means a garden hose, pressure washer, rotary sprayer for your siding, timber cleaner in a paint or stain that can be added to water, bird droppings, and dirt/pets removal along with a small pressure washer for the walls.

Materials–Depending on the areas you need to waterproof, various products are available for your home.

o keeper for the pool system,  this should always be used when the main plumbing system has been disturbed and a pool sprayer is not sufficient.

o  muriatic acid to wash the gutters. No need for muriatic acid with an older system but for the system below the dishwasher.

o  muriatic acid to rid of a stain on the house or try a cleaner specifically designed for this purpose.

o  rust remover for pool-type devices

o  cleaning the solar panel’s glass

o  outdoor paint remover, for the bucket of water

o  outdoor paint overlook expanding unlikely November rains

If your gutters are plugged due to leaves or debris this needs to be removed.

Check mini water blowers to see if they could be used to remove the excess silt–you could always switch them on the hottest setting.

Wash the windows with a mixture of vinegar and water

This will take care of mildew and will, if tackling this project, be the authorise to use a pressure washer at the same time–it would be much more work to try and mop, and then clean your windows properly again once your cleaning is completed.

Check all vents for bird droppings.

Clean out your rain catch basin, gutters, downspouts, and drains if possible.

Use a stiff brush, a sponge, and a strong pad scrubber to eliminate any grime or dirt.

Use a strong deck brush and bleach to remove the mold as well as the stains that can affect the glazing.

Check that the downpipes are clear of debris and that the water is draining off the edge of the gutter.

Hire a professional to inspect your siding–it is important if your planning to sell anytime soon. The professional will be able to see where any worn or missing tiles are as well as see if your sidings are loose, in need of re-siding, or need to be repaired.

Locate the source of any foul odors, insects, or pests that may be ingrained in your siding. They will inspect for siding deterioration, holes in siding, dents or dings as well as signs of termites.

Check for any water damage, if any.

Check for peeling or loose paint in your windows, perhaps from those annoying little cobwebs, the homeowners install on their windows all year round!

Wash and clean all items you may have stored that have been affected by the bad weather.

Level large rocks in your yard.

Clear any access debris for cause of the vehicles’ torment Normally, we store fuel and supplies from our cars inside our garages. Now in this instance, it can be crucial to clean those tools from stored items because this can help avoid accidents.

Ordinary overhead power extension cords do not give off enough leaves to stay alight and it is essential that you do not utilize them with anything other than your outdoor and garden tools.

If the problem lies with the windows in your home, you will need to clean the inside of the windows, including the frames and glass. It is not a difficult job but not everyone has the time or strength to do it on their own.

Clean all any grease which may have built up from your grill.

Spray oven cleaner in the oven to clean any stains that the grease may have given your oven a fight with.

Unclog washers and seals, pipes, sinks to remedy a blocked drain.

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